You are here

On 30th March 2018

You are here !

So pronounce so many littering signs that go on to tell us the facts and the history of many otherwise inspiring places.

Wayfaring took us to Dragon Hill, overlooked by the ancient Uffington white horse in Oxfordshire; according to legend St George slew the Dragon here.

On a misty day in October two dozen people unfurl a twenty metre wide piece of fabric and shared their experience of the place: a big red spot, the usual outdoor accompaniment to the statement “ You are here ! ”; a way to provide geographic orientation relative to the landscape, with myths possibly providing cultural orientation relative to a meaningful past. So we know just where we are.

Wayfaring taught us that boundaried conceptions of location in space and time are of  limited use. Modern quantum physics suggests this; so too does watching the tide for a day: art and literature from other times and places communicate thought and feeling between people over great distances. The breadth and variety of our potential connection with other people, life and place seem limitless. 

The ‘you are here’ big red spot was unfurled in many places on our travels along the Wayfaring route.